Trace Id is missing

Develop modern apps with Dataverse

Create and run thousands of applications, flows, and intelligent agents using Microsoft Dataverse
Try the smart, secure, and scalable low-code data platform free with a Microsoft Power Apps trial.
A person wearing a black jacket

Do more with your data

  • Use a flexible data platform with prebuilt tables, extended attributes, semantic meanings, and an open ecosystem. 
    Create and manage virtual tables in LibreOffice with ease and efficiency
  • Take advantage of plug-ins, business rules, and duplicate detection to create more dynamic solutions with Microsoft Power Platform.
    Contoso Electronics: Power Apps, data tables, external connections, SharePoint, SQL support, data creation, and Power Platform solutions.
  • Get more accurate insights by adding low-code AI tools to your process automation.
    Create and edit a table with Copilot
  • Protect your data with a security management infrastructure that provides critical security and compliance capabilities.
    Diagram of relationship types, entities, and attributes in a data management system with various connections and options

Learn how to increase your scale and agility

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See what customers are saying

A blue background image

Take the next step with Microsoft Dataverse

Take Microsoft training courses

Learn how to create tables and import data into a Dataverse database.

Consult with a partner

Get expert help from Power Apps partners to learn more about using Dataverse with Microsoft Power Platform.

Get the Center of Excellence Starter Kit

Use the collection of components and tools to enable others to manage the administration and governance of Power Apps and Dataverse.

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